Industrial Safety & Security at Ramtecgroup

At RamtecGroup we consider safety and security first. We understand that Industrial processes are exposed to dangers such as natural hazards. These can cause massive damage to industry, workers and the environment. Industrial processes, equipment and plants may also create hazards that can harm people, assets and the environment. We strongly ensure management of all conditions, operations and events within an industrial plant or industrial site, with the aim of reducing, controlling and eliminating hazards and protecting humans, productive assets, and the environment, is therefore crucial for sustainable industrial development.

  1. We bring you a single point of contact that opens up a world of possibilities. We use our collective strength, including expert-level code knowledge across the country, to fully inform your project. Dealing with a single source helps you standardize and coordinate your solutions across multiple buildings or sites, improving compliance efforts while helping you save time and control costs.
  2. Population and safety and security officers need an increased awareness of the potential impact derived from such scenarios. RamtecGroup have specific factors for the prevention of scenarios, as well as factors that influence resilience and response to crisis.
  3. ETS RAMTEC (RamtecGroup) ensures the appropriate management of all conditions, operations and events within an industrial plant or industrial site, with the aim of reducing, controlling and eliminating hazards and protecting humans, productive assets, and the environment, is therefore crucial for sustainable industrial development.
What We Do
  • We help you to achieve compliance and avoid disasters by providing checklists and best-practice guidance needed to negotiate the labyrinth of hazard analysis and safety.
  • We keep your knowledge up-to-date by covering the latest forms of hazard analysis and safety review.
  • We help you save time and money by demonstrating how each of the typically required reviews is related.
Our experts are your partners for all Industrial safety and security measures
  • Definition of the safety function
  • Specification of the safety requirements
  • Programming
  • Verification and validation
  • Maintenance
  • Modernization